As we stroll along Central Park in New York City on a cold wintery day, we feel a sensation of warmth in our body as we enjoy the crispy deep fried onion rings. Native to Central Asia, onion derives its name from the Latin word, ‘cep’ meaning onion. The ancient Egyptians worshiped onions as they thought it represented eternal life, and during the Middle Ages, people gave onions as rents and gifts because of its importance as a culinary item. When caramelized, onions become sweet and aromatic and enhance many dishes of Southeast Asia. Yellow, white, red or sweet, onions add not only flavor but texture and consistency to curries, chutneys, sambals, stir fries, soups and stews and ascrunchy toppings for steaks, salads, omelets, noodles, tacos, and sandwiches. Onion is a staple ingredient in India and other parts of Asia, and it is the characterizing ingredient in French onion soup, onion chutney, oronion pickles. It is popular alongside satay, kebab and tandoori, and added to chilies, sugar, salt, and vinegar in the Caribbean to perk-up meal times.
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